Wiley|Wilson Employee-owners Ensure Final Angels Race Triathlon Ends on High Note
Wiley|Wilson employee-owners and their family members showed their support for the 13th — and final — Angels Race Triathlon, held Sunday April 26 in downtown Lynchburg. The Angels Race Triathlon was created to honor 15-year-old Brittany Groover (daughter of Wiley|Wilson President and COO Tim Groover), who died in a car accident in 2002. The annual event has provided participants with an opportunity to channel their grief by swimming, biking, and running in memory of their loved ones.
“It’s been incredible to witness how my fellow employee-owners have supported this event over the years by racing, volunteering, or cheering each other on,” Tim said. “I’m grateful for the many folks who came out, one last time, to ensure this event had the celebratory finale it deserved.”
Employee-owners and family members who participated in the final Angels Race Triathlon were: Victor Angell and wife Cheryle (individual participants); Corey Clayborne and wife Sara (individual participants); Matt Dewitt (relay participant); Mike Ervi (relay participant); Tom Fitzgerald (relay participant); Scott Francis and wife Angie (individual participants); Neil McSweeney and wife Andrea (individual participants); Godfrey Myaing (individual participant); Dylan Myaing (Godfrey’s son, relay participant); Kyle Tennant (relay participant); and Randy Vaughan (relay participant). Several others from Wiley|Wilson helped round out the phenomenal volunteer contingent that made the supportive atmosphere of Angels Race truly unique.
Local media outlets the News & Advance and WSET covered the event in detail.